Dinosaurs And Sea Hawks (2014) film

(2014) Video, short film.


Sleeping under a bridge is a man and his dinosaur mask. Waking up, he walks into the heart of the city and puts on his mask. A friend, a stranger, a kindred soul emerges and the mask is passed off and traded. The man watches and then walks away with a Sea Hawks hat.
Inspired by creating performance gifts for my schizophrenic mother Dinosaurs and Sea Hawks is another story in my ongoing performance works. The dinosaur mask is intended as a reminder of childhood and quite literally a mask to hide from the harsh reality of the world through my mother’s eyes. 
Directed, filmed and edited by Linas Phillips. 
Written and acted in by Ezra Dickinson. 

Featuring Melinda Fraizer.


(2015) In Flight Film Stream, Alaska Airlines. 
(2014) Film Screening, Seattle International Film Festival, Seattle WA 
(2014) Film Screening, Milwaukee Film Festival, Milwaukee WI 
(2014) Film Screening, AMFEST, Moscow Russia
(2014) Film Screening, Next dance Cinema, Seattle WA
(2014) Film Screening, Jaipur International Film Festival, Jaipur India 
(2014) Film Screening, Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival, Mumbai India 
(2014) Film Screening, Shorts Premier, Chile

ArtZoom Gigapixel (2014)

(2014) performed for photograph


I was one of the hundred artists performing in various ways, dispersed throughout an image of Seattle stitched together from 22,000 photos, taken atop a tall building. For this Microsoft project, I used my Allosaurus head mask, standing outside the Science Center, carnivorously perched atop a large rock.
Gigapixel link. A short video of the making of this project. 


Photo Anthony Rigano

Mother for you I made this (2013) film

(2013) Film (related to Mother… Performance)


Stand alone video documentation from the performance and audience experience of Mother for you I made this (2013)
Fillmed by Ryan Adams and Jocob Rosen. Edited by Ryan Adams. 


(2019) Film screening with post-screening Q&A, radio interview. North Star Ballet, Fairbanks AK
(2015) Film screening, ArtEast, Issaquah WA
(2015) Film screening. TEDX Adventure, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle WA
(2014) Cornishʼs Our Creative Society, Seattle, WA
(2014) TEDX Rainier, Macaw Hall, Seattle WA
(2014) Film Screening, Fidalgo DanceWorks, Anacortes, WA

projects: Benjamin Maestas

projects: Benjamin Maestas


A Meeting (2013) Choreographed by Benjamin Maestas as part of his thesis project for his masters in Architecture from the University of Washington. This short film also had a live performance component that showcased Benjamin’s ideas in alternative forms of shelter that could be used to house the homeless. This short was filmed and edited by Doug Arney.


Yes (2013) film

(2013) film collaboration with musician


I have collected hundreds of short stop motion animations since I started exploring stop motion in 2005. My aim was first to explore movement, environment, light, texture and eventually sound. This is the first, in a way culmination of these experiments. I met Rulon Brown and asked him if he would be interested in composing a little score for this short animation. I love this short animation, there are no expectations, just a moment of creativity, alive with ambiguous meaning. If you are a creator of sounds and would like to create a score for one of these animations, I have a whole basket of works yet to be paired with sounds. Send me an email: baldmanwatching@yahoo.com and let’s get this collaboration happening.


Manifest Destiny’s Child (2012) film

(2012) Music Video, Corespondents, Seattle WA (Related to Mother… Film and Performance)


Music video created for the Corespondents and the performance of Mother for you I made this. Filmed and edited by Douglas Arney (of the Corespondents). Choreographed and performed by Ezra Dickinson. Music video features 14 versions of Ezra Dickinson and one that is not Ezra. The concept for this video is a remembrance for Ezra of growing up with a schizophrenic mother.


projects: Luke Sieczek

Luke Sieczek


Space, the air, the river, the leaf (2009)


Dancer and movement collaborator


Short film screenings:
Water Calling, Northwest Film Forum, Seattle WA

Slow Walk (2007-present)

(2007-Present) Public art performance.


I began playing with Slow Walking as a durational performance experiment in 2007. The idea to bring performance into public space presented a chance to interact with the public through their choices. 



The structure of a Slow Walk is not a set in stone idea, so far it has consisted of 1-4 performers taking three hours to walk the length of a busy city block. For some audience/passersby it’s a chance to participate, for others it’s a reason to look away. None of the Slow Walkers ever talk to the public while walking, but the public speaks to us through words and gestures. One man observed that a Slow Walker’s nose was running, the passerby pulled out a tissue and stuffed it in the hand of the Slow Walker. Watchers/audience actively dissuade others who show signs of messing with the Slow Walk, one man was heard to say “i’ll fuck up anyone who messes with these folks”. The first Slow Walk revealed an experience to us that was an overflowing of sensation. The focus needed to move at such a pace creates a total distortion of one’s normal relationship to a habitual pace. 



The seed idea came from a previous experiment in public performance around 2005 with two male performers standing in heavily trafficked public space, face to face on a flat piece of wood, motionless, roughly three inches from nose to nose for forty-five minutes. In this experiment, the two performers had ongoing conversation between them about the experience of close proximity and the reactions of the public as they observed this interaction. The performers did not answer questions posed by passersby. The choice not to talk to the public was made with the intention of helping to keep the performers focused on the task. We wanted to see what narrative the public would see playing out without any input. The observed public response to the performers was that an altercation was about to take place. Individuals shouted at the performers “let me know if you want me to call the cops”, “don’t fight” and “kiss and make up”.



From the first experiment came the idea of shaping and playing with bystanders’ focus in public space: a group of women and men walked around pretending they were being dive bombed by non-existent birds. All the while the group was observing the passersby’s reactions as they tried to figure out the group’s reaction to the nonexistent situation. Next came the idea of a public clothing exchange. Two people would meet in public, exchanging all the clothing on their bodies except for their underwear and walk away as though it was a normal activity. As this test was being performed, duration began to be played with.


Slow Motion by Rachel Gallaher City Arts


Slow Walk. (2016) Commissioned public art performance. Bellevue Bellweather Art Walk. Bellevue WA
Sun Rain Hail / Slow walk. (2011) Site-specific public art performance. Zocalo. Mexico City DF
Sun Rain Hail / Slow Walk. (2012) Film screening. Velocity Dance Center Big Bang. Seattle WA 
Sun Rain Hail / Slow Walk. (2012) Film screening. Fall Free For All. Tacoma WA 
Finish Start / Slow Walk. (2012) Commissioned public art performance. Fall City Days. Fall City WA
Children / Slow Walk. (2011) Commissioned public art performance. Fall City Days. Fall City WA
Each / Slow Walk. (2010) Commissioned public art performance. Moore Inside Out. Moore Theatre. Seattle WA
Slow Walk. (2009) Site-specific public art performance. Cal Anderson Park. Seattle WA
Slow Walk. (2008) Site-specific public art performance. Westlake Center. Seattle WA
Slow Walk. (2007) Site-specific public art performance. Heathrow Airport. London UK
Slow Walk (2007) Commissioned public art performance. Gallery 154. Seattle WA

Spot (2006) film

(2006) animation video


After falling in love with stop motion while working as an Resident Assistant for the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, I found myself wanting to express movement exploration in a variation of ways. This short served as one part of my BFA project while at Cornish College of the Arts.