Nikitta poster (2017)

| Activism, Collaboration, Graphic, Postering, Street

(2017) designed and hand painted poster


No Touching Ground and I teamed up to create this large poster for Seattle mayoral candidate Nikitta Oliver. We worked together to create the overall design, chose the intended location, and hand painted both the portrait and font. Zorn B Taylor generously allowed the use of his photograph as reference for the portrait. It felt really good to look back at my path as a street/graffiti artist and see all the steps that lead to creating a work like this. In a lot of ways this is what I would love to do more of in the future. I feel graffiti artists have a unique perspective when it comes to, among other things, location and placement, very relevant attributes when dealing with messages that need a high level of visibility. I’m proud to support progressive candidates for office locally and nationally.